#3. The Legal Aspects of Crowdfunding in Russia

Dear readers!

I am delighted to announce our new corporate edition.

In the third edition 2014 we have addressed the subject of collective cooperation of individuals who voluntarily pool their money to support initiatives, projects and efforts of other people and companies i. e. crowdfunding. Our specialists have investigated basic types of crowdfunding and international experience with developed legal framework. Only for our readers we have prepared an example of legal framework, designated for regulation of relationship between members, creators and users of crowdfunding platform.

In this edition you will find civil and criminal aspects of deposits of individuals, and everything you need to know with respect to taxation of inherited property.

We couldn’t help addressing the matters of taxation and tax planning. The articles contain useful advice and practical schemes based on examples of foreign jurisdictions. Korpus Prava specialists have examined alterations of the tax code which have been enacted following the debate with respect to necessity of harmonization of business accounting and tax accounting. Having analyzed such alterations, it may be assumed that the dynamics of such process is positive.

For our readers we have prepared detailed analysis of criteria and requirements for obtaining Cypriot Citizenship through investment. You will find detailed information herein relating to criteria, conditions and application procedures. Should you have questions with respect to matters addressed above, please feel free to contact us, we would be delighted to provide an advice to our customers, partners, and readers.

We look forward to seeing you again — Korpus Prava.Analytics!

Artem Paleev
Managing Partner
Korpus Prava

Phivos Stephanou

Advocate, Legal Consultant

Tax and Legal Practice

Korpus Prava (Cyprus)

The Cypriot Council of Ministers issued a decision on the 19th of March 2014, in relation with the scheme for naturalization of investors in Cyprus by exception on the basis of subsection (2) of section 111A, of the Civil Registry Laws of 2002-2013.

Alexey Oskin

Deputy Director

Tax and Legal Practice

Korpus Prava (Russia)

In recent years a trend towards registration of companies in the European jurisdictions with middle-income tax. This is due to the fact that often such states and Russia signed a treaty on the avoidance of double taxation, the advantages of which can be used in planning taxation of Russian companies.

Yana Karausheva

Ex-Junior Lawyer

Tax and Legal Practice

Korpus Prava (Russia)

The world was told so many times about globalization, strengthening of international ties and blurring of boundaries between states in economic, social, cultural terms. Therefore let’s omit the due introduction about the relevance of knowledge about the European value-added tax.

Alexey Oskin

Deputy Director

Tax and Legal Practice

Korpus Prava (Russia)

In accordance with the generally accepted definition, "crowdfunding" means collective cooperation of individuals who voluntarily pool their money and/or other resources together to support initiatives, efforts and projects of other people or entities.

Irina Otrokhova

Chief Compliance Officer

Corporate Services

Korpus Prava (Cyprus)

The principle of ‘Substance over Legal Form’ is central to the faithful representation and reliability of information contained in the financial statements. The key point of the concept is that a transaction should not be recorded in such a manner as to hide the true intent of the transaction, which would mislead the readers of a company's financial statements.

Tatiana Frolova

Leading Lawyer

Korpus Prava Private Wealth

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance of Household Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation” the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), in the case of revocation (cancellation) of the banking license of a bank, pays insurance indemnity to individual depositors from the compulsory deposit insurance fund.