International commercial arbitration is an arbitration court, appealing whereto is one of the alternative methods to resolve cross-border disputes. Currently, ICA is a widely applied instrument.
Ekaterina Sechkareva

Ekaterina Sechkareva
Junior Lawyer
Tax and Legal Practice
Korpus Prava (Russia)

In 2019, major changes for the recent years — the so-called procedural revolution — took place. On October 1, three key laws that reform the system of general jurisdiction courts and change the rules of court procedure came into force.

Under the current circumstances, proper execution of transactions between foreign counterparties has become significantly harder.
On July 31, Federal Law No. 259-ФЗ “On Digital Financial Assets, Digital Currency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” was published. The Law will allow to convert traditional financial instruments into a digital form and increase the number of ways to attract investments.