On July 30, 2017 the law that came in force tightening the procedure for bringing controlling parties to subsidiary liability (Federal Law No. 266-ФЗ dated 29.07.2017).
Roman Moskovskikh

Roman Moskovskikh
Tax and Legal Practice
Korpus Prava (Russia)

The history of cryptocurrency in the world extends back less than 10 years, but the idea of potential replacement of existing traditional currencies (the so-called "fiat money") is already gaining popularity among progressive social classes.

As it is known, in the system of corporate relations the central player is the shareholder. In fact, all corporate legislation is, to one degree or another, aimed at ensuring the shareholder's rights for the development of a healthy corporate climate in Russia. Russian corporate legislation is currently experiencing [...]

The year 2016 was full of events in the field of geopolitics, which partly shaded the considerable effort that our legislator applied throughout the year in an effort to create a legal framework that meets today's challenges and trends in Russia. Such efforts can be indeed considered significant, because [...]