Communication tools with Korpus Prava specialists

April 13, 2020

Currently, when most of us work remotely, we would like to inform you once again that all specialists of Korpus Prava remain in touch. For convenience and secure communication and document management, we inform you about the following additional means of communication that you can use:

1. Korpus Prava.Messenger is a means of direct communication with our specialists.

The system supports TLS encryption using AES-256 with 2048-bit RSA in all data transfers between the client application and the server both on the local network and on the Internet. All information is stored on Korpus Prava local servers and encrypted by the operating system.

Registration in the system:

2. Korpus Prava.Data Storage is a secure file storage for exchanging data between a specialist and a client. To connect to the system, please contact us.

3. Call from site

On our company’s website there is a “call us” button (Click to call). This feature allows site visitors to make free calls via a secure communication channel — WebRTC from their computer (using a headset), tablet or smartphone. When you click on the button, a call is instantly made over the Internet. You do not need to install any additional software, you can use any headphones and microphone.

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