European Commission proposes international tribunal to prosecute Russia war crimes in Ukraine JURIST – News – Legal News & Commentary

December 01, 2022

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen Wednesday announced a series of options to hold Russia accountable for its war crimes in Ukraine. 14 commission member states have already initiated investigations into international war crimes committed by Russia. The commission supports these investigations and the investigation of the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, Russia does not currently accept the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Therefore, the commission proposed two alternative options: a special international tribunal based on a multilateral treaty or a specialized court which uses international judges placed within a national justice system. Both of these options have the potential to hold Russia criminally liable for its war crimes.

The commission is also committed to ensuring that Russia pays financial compensation to Ukraine. In the short term, the commission hopes to promote the investment of Russia’s frozen international assets in Ukraine. A long term proposal would see the return of Russia’s assets following the end of the war contingent upon its long term investment towards rebuilding Ukraine.

The proposals will need support from member-states before significant action can take place.


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