Irina Otrokhova

Irina Otrokhova

Chief Compliance Officer

Corporate Services

Korpus Prava (Cyprus)

Autors Articles
I Spy With My Little Eye: Electronic Register of Beneficiaries in the Cayman Islands

Transparency tendencies continue to win over international corporate community, including offshore jurisdictions. There’s nothing new about the fact that certain offshore jurisdictions have already defined requirements on maintaining the register of directors, collecting information on shareholders and beneficiaries.

Latest Changes in the Legislation of Foreign Countries

In 2006 The International Business Companies Act 2016 (hereinafter – the Act) superseding The International Business Companies Act 1994 was published in the Seychelles. This act has introduced a number of changes, among which there are two main requirements – submission of information about directors and ultimate beneficiary owners [...]

FATCA: The US Tax Octopus and Its Worldwide Tentacles

The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is no longer news. The Act was issued in 2010, and after that it survived several revisions and came into legal force on July 01, 2014. The Act was amended even after it had become legally effective.

Disclosure of Information at the BVI: Truth or Dare

For many years already the British Virgin Islands have been one of the most used offshore jurisdictions for the registration of foreign companies. The BVI have always attracted investors as jurisdiction for holding business. One of the main reasons why the BVI are so popular is the high level [...]