Roman Moskovskikh

Roman Moskovskikh


Tax and Legal Practice

Korpus Prava (Russia)

Autors Articles
Pre-trial dispute settlements: clarifications from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

At the end of July 2020, the Supreme Court summarized the judicial practice regarding the procedure for pre-trial settlement of commercial disputes.

On Certain Development Trends of the Case Law in Russia

It is commonly known that technically the case law in the Russian legal system is not a source of law. Nevertheless, actual development trends in the resolution of certain legal issues are stipulated by the case law.

Review of the case law of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

The Supreme Court prepared a regular practice review of the presidium and panels, and provided an explanation for sales of real estate in bankruptcy proceedings.

Should But Not Obliged

Mandatory proposal is addressed to anyone who responds to it. It is intended to protect the interests not of individual groups, but of all shareholders of the company.